Section 5 Splitting the data
At this point we can split the data into calibration, validation, and predition sets:
The calibration set comprises the samples identified in the previous section. The IDs of these samples are in the object
.The validation set are the ones in the original set and that are labeled as
. In the previous section the validation samples where extracted into a separate object (valida
).The prediction set includes all the samples not selected for calibration and that were initially labeled as
To split the data you can execute the following:
train <- data[as.character(data$ID) %in% cal_smpls, ]
pred <- data[!(as.character(data$ID) %in% c(cal_smpls)), ]
train$layer <- as.factor(substr(train$ID, 1, 1))
valida$layer <- as.factor(substr(valida$ID, 1, 1))
pred$layer <- as.factor(substr(pred$ID, 1, 1))
train$ID <- factor(train$ID)
valida$ID <- factor(valida$ID)
pred$ID <- factor(pred$ID)
Optionally, we can get rid of all the unncessary data (R
objects that will not be used from now on):
## necessary objects
reqobjects <- c("train", "pred", "valida", "cal_smpls", "o2rm")
## objects to be removed
o2rm <- ls()[!ls() %in% reqobjects]
## remove the objects
rm(list = o2rm)
## If you have saved the IDs of the calibration samples into your working
## directory you can:
cal_smpls <- readLines("calibration_samples_ids.txt")
and then…
## necessary objects
reqobjects <- c("cal_smpls", "o2rm")
## objects to be removed
o2rm <- ls()[!ls() %in% reqobjects]
## read again the data
nirfile <- file("")
data <- readRDS(nirfile)
## extract the validation samples into a new set/object
valida <- data[data$set == "validation", ]
data <- data[data$set == "cal_candidate", ]
train <- data[as.character(data$ID) %in% cal_smpls, ]
pred <- data[!(as.character(data$ID) %in% c(cal_smpls)), ]
train$layer <- as.factor(substr(train$ID, 1, 1))
valida$layer <- as.factor(substr(valida$ID, 1, 1))
pred$layer <- as.factor(substr(pred$ID, 1, 1))
train$ID <- factor(train$ID)
valida$ID <- factor(valida$ID)
pred$ID <- factor(pred$ID)